Ian McKellen

There's a wonderful story about Ian McKellen. Apparantly the following conversation was overheard on set as Ian was speaking to a younger man-
IM:"Do you know the difference between a sandwich and a blow job?"
IM: "Excellent! Then you simply must come for a picnic!"
The story is probably misquoted and possibly untrue, but what makes it so brilliant is that you can picture his wicked but utterly benign smile as you read it. Ian McKellen is like a genetic experiment in pure charisma. He is a man that you would like to spend a evening drinking with- bigger than life but also completely approachable and affable. It must have been an absolute epiphany when he was thought of for the role of Gandalf- the most inspired casting decision since Anthony Hopkins played Hannibal Lecter.
The fact that he's gay and outspoken about it completes the picture of a man who is comfortable in his loveliness. Alright, alright I admit I have real problems disassociating him from Gandalf-I know he's not a centuries-old wizard with a hobbit weed habit and a brilliant hat but the fundamental thing that he brought to that part was the effusion of McKellen's inate loveliness. Ian McKellen- goddamn it, you're a lovely man. We salute you.
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